Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday afternoon thoughts on eternity

It's 90 degrees today. And yesterday was about the same. We went up to RMNP again this weekend and camped out. That was Friday and Saturday. Then we came back and got to work on various home projects. Taylor fixed the sprinklers (that haven't worked for like 3 years). That was a 4 hour project. I admired his sweaty hard-working body from time to time as I was inside cleaning.
I've been thinking about eternity lately. Not to sound cliche. But you can't help but have those thoughts from time to time. We are mortal and so finite and limited in our understanding. I've just been having like these...oh I don't know...flashes I guess of how small, short, and quick this mortality thing is. It's comforting actually. I wouldn't want to stay here forever. I look forward to what's next. I was talking to a friend who's mother passed away and we were rapping up the conversation. I gave her my condolences for her mother passing and she said something like, "Well, death is a part of life, unfortunatly." I wanted to say (but didn't), "Actually I'd have to say it's rather fortunate than unfortunate. It's exciting really that this life isn't all there is." If we live forever and we lived before we came here for..some really long period of time I can't fathom, then our life here on earth is like a grain of sand on a beach streching out as far as the eye can see. The only fear I have of death right now is those I'd leave behind because I have a young family. But otherwise I view it simply as a new adventure. I think about it alot actually. Not death per say but just what's next, what else is out there. When we were camping this weekend I looked at the stars. Every time I do I'm transported. The universe is so much bigger than I can comprehend and when I look up at night I can see how small I am. I think of the majesty of God and how He is in charge of all of this, all of us. He created this vast universe yet he is the same God I kneel down to at night and pray to, the same God who helps me find my keys and comforts me when I'm having a bad day.

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