Thursday, June 24, 2010

I am not my successes or my failures

I think it's important to remind myself from time to time that I am not my successes or failures. I own a small business and it's easy to take the emotional roller-coaster that goes along with feeling on top and on the bottom based on the success of my business. But at the end of the day I think all that matters is that I try my hardest and hold to high moral standards. Some days it's so stressful I want to throw in the towel and other days I feel like I've really accomplished something and nothing can stop me. I think I have an entreprenuer spirit because I'm always on the lookout for an opportunity. I've stuck with this for two years and so far so good. Debt free and profitable since day one (okay, maybe day 30 for the profitable part, but always debt-free). Impulsiveness has it's advantages. I act and then I think.
I think about what success is a lot. I look at other people and think I'm not this enough or I'm not that enough. I don't want to think that way but I've realized it's part of my nature, to feel inadequate. I never feel like I'm doing or accomplishing enough. No matter what I'm doing, I feel guilty about what I'm not doing. So today I am reminding myself that I am a much bigger spirit than these 83.3 years of mortality will let me find or express. I really haven't the slightest idea of who I am or what I'm capable of and frankly that's quite exciting.

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