Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Don't roast a turkey in June, camp Kiwa

I cooked a 20-lb turkey today because I wanted it out of my freezer. It's been in there since Thanksgiving. I bought an extra because they were on sale, thinking I'd cook it later. This was not a good idea. I am not a big fan of turkey, especially when I cook it on a day that's already 90 degrees. Now I know.
My girls are in camp Kiwa all week this week. It's their 4th year. They love it every year. It's up the canyon just past Lyons, about 15 minutes from our house. It's a day camp except the last night 9-yr-olds and up get to sleep over, which Emily is excited about. Evan and I have been bike-riding yesterday and today after we dropped the girls off and we're going again tomorrow.

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