Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I almost got asked out

This is funny. I was at a cardio class at the Y today and I started talking to a girl in the class that I see from time to time. She said a couple of months ago she was at the Y with her husband and his friend. Apparently I said hi to her and the friend who was with them started asking her about me. The only times I've seen her I've been by myself or dropping Evan off at school and she assumed I was single. So she told him she thought I was single and he asks her to find out what she can about me. I didn't run into her for a while after that then recently she found me through a mutual friend on facebook and she found out that yes, I am married. I had to laugh. OK, it's a little flattering. But I'm sure glad she figured that out and told him so before he asked me out. That would've been awkward.

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