Monday, January 31, 2011

a cold day, a bad dog

Tomorrow the high is 2 degrees F. School is cancelled tomorrow. Which means time for me to get creative and come up with some around-the-house projects for 6 busy hands. I do have a massage scheduled tomorrow morning that I was so looking forward to. I think I'll take a movie pass again. Not only will they get to stay home, but also watch a movie on a school day. Double bonus.
I hate my dog- Jake. Call me evil, a dog-hater, a communist, whatever. That's fine. I still hate him. We went to the hardware store all together (we're looking into finishing a room in the basement) and when we get home, guess what I find? Oh I'm so mad I can hardly type about it. Jake peed on my pillow!!! GROSS! It was on the floor, the pillow, I mean. I'm not sure if he jumped on the bed and knocked it off then peed on it or it was already on the floor. So I take it downstairs and throw it in the wash. Then I talk to Emi again about taking him out. He's such a whimp though you open the door for him and he feels the cold air and runs up to his bed. And THEN, I flip the light on in the toy room. Oh no..that's....!!!JAKE!!! poop in the toyroom. I seriously threaten for the 109th time to put that dog on craigslist. All the children hate me and tell me so. Why am I the bad guy? Is it so wrong to not want dog poop and pee all over my house? This is what he does when it's cold outside. He refuses to go out then when we leave, he takes care of business in the house. Well guess who's getting THROWN out in the snow 3 times a day? That's right, Jake, YOU ARE (just in case you're reading this). I don't care if it's 18 below. You ruined my night and turned my children against me. No more chances!
Okay, I'm better. Accounting class is great. I love it, actually. A fun challenge. I think I may have been an accountant in another life. It's also helping me with my quickbooks consulting. Not that I do a ton of it, but a few hours with different businesses here and there. But it's helpful to have the foundations of accounting because often the questions people ask me are more along the lines of accounting than technical things with quickbooks.

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