Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Yesterday I emailed Taylor and told him how much I loved him and how I just want to have a really strong marriage with no more arguing and some other unmentionable mushy love stuff. When he came home from work he thanked me for the email. He didn't say much else about it but we really connected later that night..if you know what I mean.

This morning I hugged him and told him how much I appreaciate all his hard work and what a good husband and father he is. He said thank you.

He gets pretty stressed at work sometimes, well, a lot of times, and it's hard to know how much of the discord in our marriage is from work stress and how much is us. Not that we have a lot of dicord.. I just think it could be better. But I know sometimes I have expectations for him and it's like I'm just waiting when I could be doing the things for him that I want him to do for me. I know I shouldn't compare but sometimes I look at other couples, and lately it's the nieniedialouges, and I wonder why that's not us. Mr. Nielson absolutely adores Stephanie. He dotes over her. This weekend, he flew back to Utah, drove back to AZ with 2 of their kids and more of their stuff, because of her unexpected surgery and said he felt guilty that while he was gone she had a touch-up surgery and he wasn't there for her but now he's back by her side and so happy to be with his sweatheart again. It seems unreal but this is their life and she blogs every day, except when she can't and he writes instead. What does he do for a living? Does he get stressed with a job and 4 kids? He doesn't seem to.

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