Monday, December 29, 2014


Argh..for some reason I can't seem to post from my phone anymore, which made quickie blogging so easy.. so I haven't blogged in some time now.  It's not for lack of things on my mind.  It's weird because putting my thoughts on a blog puts them out to the world for anyone to see, but somehow it feels like a safe place to vent, or blab, or just get things off my chest when I need to. 

Today I need to talk about healthcare.  Is it just me or does it feel like a ponzi-scheme waiting to blow?  I mean.. seriously, I think it's like the subprime mortgage crisis of 08.  This big ugly catastrophe that's been packaged with a bow waiting to rip through the pretty paper and tear our heads off.  And everyone's just going along with it. Only unlike the subprime mess, we are all forced to participate.  If there was a way to short Obamacare I'd do it.  It's set up to fail and I'd bet money on it.  And I'm pretty sure that's Obama's plan, let it fail then swoop down and clean up the mess by officially socializing our country.

Let's look at some statistics.  My source is US News & Money. It says here that the top 5% of earners in this country make over $150,000, the top 1% make over $250,000 annually.  Now get scared.  Here is Obama's income chart.   The highest end of the chart, a family of 6 making $127,880 and above, doesn't qualify for any lowered premiums.  (Read, they will be paying through the nose to subsidize everyone else's).  Also, anyone single or with up to 3 dependents has an even lower income ceiling. That means the top 5% (ok, maybe more like 7% as it goes all the way down to $46,680 for a single person but I'm going to keep the math easy and estimated) is paying for the bottom 95% and there simply isn't enough money to squeeze out of the 5% to go around to 95% of the country. The math doesn't work.  The average income in this country is around $50,000 which means most of the country qualifies for lowered premiums.  And who's footing the bill?  The 5%.

Our family does not qualify for lowered premiums, in fact Humana just told us our 2015 premium would jump to $1200/mo plan and that's with the highest deductible. Luckily we found Liberty Share and that will only cost us $450/mo for a $1500 deductible.  I'm not promoting them or do I get any compensation from others joining, but I just want to tell people.. it's an option.  Taylor is self employed so we have to find our own coverage.  I just am wondering what other self employed people are doing that don't qualify for 'lowered premiums'..?  Anyone??  It's crazy that we could be paying the cost of a mortgage for health coverage.  Luckily we found another solution but Obama's whole premise rests on the 5% paying into this ponzi scheme or else it will collapse.  

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