Thursday, August 21, 2014

Newborn stuff, designer jeans, and spray tans

Wow this newborn stuff is hard.  I forgot how hard.  I mean, it's been 8 years since the last time I did this.  And life was sane and normal and pretty easy so we decided to have another baby and make it insane, abnormal and really hard.  But we do love Andrew.  With a face like his how could you not?
He's my most demanding baby.  He eats nonstop (no really, I'm not kidding) and if he's awake but not eating, he's pretty sure he's supposed to have someone holding him, preferably standing up, swaying, cooing, etc.  It's  a full time job.  I think he's a socialist.  He thinks the world owes this all to him while he just lays there, eating and pooping.  Definitely a socialist.
So I've learned to do many things with one hand, while holding Andrew.  In case a shark ever bit off one of my arms, I think I could actually manage.  Well, but then I'd only have one arm to hold Andrew and no arms to do anything else with. So maybe I won't hang out surfing in the ocean in my really hot bikini.
Which brings me to another topic.  I'm happy to be fitting back into my pre-pregnancy jeans.. well mostly except my muffin top which slightly hangs over, but I have low-rise jeans so its ok.  So Maryam and I went shopping today and I got me some designer jeans- Hudsons.  Yes, it's true, I've never spent over $40 on a pair of jeans I don't think.  But we found some bargains and Nordstrom Rack, $90 for $190 jeans.  It was a good day.

I can explain.  So..let's see.. where to start.  Taylor has a patient that's a personal trainer.  The trainer, Jason, convinced Taylor that he should enter the Warrior competition in Loveland.  Taylor finally relented and has been training for it for several months now.  His side of the bathroom now has such items as exfoliant, various body washes, pre-tan spray, wax kits, foot scruber thingy, and so on. Tonight he got his spray tan in preparation for his show tomorrow.   Tomorrow my husband will walk out on a stage in front of thousands (well.. we're really not sure how many people will be there, but a guy can dream) and pose for judges and the audience.  You could be staring at the next GAP model.  Or Abercrombie.  Or Fruit of the Loom.  Maybe he will quit dentistry and go pro.  I really am proud of how hard he's worked. But I tell you what, I never saw this coming.  Can I just say that being with a man whose skin is smoother than yours is a little.. uh.. strange? Yeah, lots of things have been a little strange about this.  Like tonight for example.  His trainer said he gets a burger and fries tonight before the big day tomorrow. (He has a very controlled diet, hasn't had any fast food in months).  So we get to the Wendy's drive thru and it's raining.  Taylor's driving and he pulls up to pay and he says to me 'hon, can you reach across with the credit card?  It's raining. I can't get my arm wet. '  And I'm like 'uh, no'.  I mean, we're in his stick shift Jeep and that would pretty much not work for me to climb across.  So then he turns to the guy in Wendy's and he says 'Hold on, I need to back up and pull in closer. I just got a spray tan and I can't get it wet.'  I'm just holding my head down trying not to look at the dumbfounded cashier. 'Really?' I ask.  'Yeah, really, I can't get my skin wet.  My tan will like discolor.' And I thought my teenage daughters were drama queens.  

So that girl from a previous post I was trying to forgive?  You're wondering how that ended.  Well it hasn't really ended and I'm finding that forgiveness looks more like a volatile stock price than a linear equation.   If you're trying to forgive someone in your life I have a suggestion.  Fake it till you make it and don't worry if it takes a long time to 'make it'.  Forgiveness is much easier from a distance.  But when you have to see the person on a regular basis like I do.. your forced to deal with it.  So my best solution is to fake it even when I'm not feeling an ounce of nice thoughts to her. I smile and say hi even though inside I'd like to punch her. Sometimes. Hate is heavy.  It's really tiring to carry around. So I'm learning to deal with the hate that wells up in me, trying to replace it with anything because really, anything is better than feeling hate.  Hobbies, work, etc., as long as I don't have to think about it. 

Ok now I have to go to bed.. but I will post the results of the competition tomorrow.

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