Monday, November 7, 2011

Little boy things and other musings

Evan and I are waiting for Emi while she has her first drama club meeting at Westview. Good thing he brought his bag of important stuff: rock collection in a sandwich bag, handcuffs, tape measure,  twistup gun with round plastic objectile (happy meal toy), and skull&bones food poker (from a Halloween cupcake).
Today was cold and rather dreary. I think we'll have split pea soup for dinner.
Stake conference was yesterday and the speakers were excellent.  Our stake president spoke on forgiveness and told a personal story of someone he forgave that had wronged him. He told about how his feelings of anger toward the man melted away once he decided to forgive him.  I like those kind of stories,  of people choosing the higher ground especially when its really hard.  I hope I can be that kind of person.  I'm gratefull the Gospel teaches us to be better, to do good, and to see past this world and the ways of this world.

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