Sunday, July 3, 2011

Evan and Tristan

This was a conversation I overheard between Evan and Tristan, our nieghboor.
Evan: "Tristan, do you go to church?"
Tristan: "Yeah, I think so. I mean sometimes."
Evan: "Do you believe in God?"
Tristan: "Of course I do."
Evan, as he puts his hands on his hips: "Then how come you keep sayin his name in vain?"
Tristan: "I don't know. I guess I don't really know what that means, his name in vain.."
Evan proceeded to do his 5-yr-old best to explain what that means and why he shouldn't do it.
They went on playing after that. But I've noticed since then in conversation with his family that they don't take the Lord's name in vain anymore.
This experience taught me two things. One, that there are always opportunities to share the Gospel and we shouldn't be afraid to share. Two, that the Gospel is pretty black and white and there's not too much we have to wonder about. We may not always be living it to the standards we know we can, but the standards are clear. If we believe this way, then we need to act that way. I think it's a good goal to try to achieve the same sense of clarity that 5-yr-olds have about life. I'm glad at it's root the Gospel is simple. We believe in Jesus Christ, that He atoned for us, and if we repent and humble ourselves and make and keep our covenants with the Lord, we can have eternal life with Him.

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