So my church is putting on this big valentines dance and asking all the couples to send in a picture of when they were married and the story of how they met. I figured since I'm doing this anyway, might as well put it on the old blog for memory's sake. So here it is:
I was a sophmore, intent on studying and not dating because I was waiting for my missionary. Taylor was a sophmore, fresh off his mission and ready to take his mission president's advice and get married in a year. Other than my roommates setting me up on occasional really lame dates, I rarely dated that semester. Taylor was a dating fool, dating a new girl like every other week. I was waiting for him and he was looking for me, but neither of us new it.
It so happened that semester that we were both in American Heritage, probably the biggest class at BYU. My friend Mitch (also in the class) and I and a few other friends decided to start a study group. At some point in the semester, Mitch met Taylor at a math tutoring lab. They got to talking and found out they were both in American Heritage and Mitch mentioned this study group that we were having and invited Taylor to come. Then one night, my friends come over to study and Mitch brings this totally hot guy with him. I could not take my eyes off him that night. I wanted to know everything about him. And the next day I called him to find out if he wanted to come back to our study group the next week. But mostly I just wanted to study him. This was about the begining of December. He finally asked me out right before Christmas break. We went to the Spagetti Factory in Salt Lake then he took me ice-skating. He held my hand when we skated (I think that's why he choose skating). We hit it off really well that night and we've been together ever since. He proposed in March and we got married in June. Twelve and a half years later we're still "hapily-ever-after-ing".
The end.
and there you have it.
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