Wednesday, December 15, 2010

mean girls

So I got to powerpump plenty early this morning. Everything was going to be great. Then I started the class and these two women (30-ish) start talking it was pretty obvious they were making fun of the class, making faces, and being catty. Then about halfway through I say, "Okay, everyone grab your barbells, we're going to work our arms again." and one of the cats pipes up, "uh, what part of our arms?" "Biceps" I say with a smile and start in on the routine. Then the two of them get up and put away their equipment and walk out of class. Can you believe it? They do it to other instructors too, so it's not just me. Granted, I should have said "bicep curls" instead of "arms" but sometimes I slip, big deal. I know I shouldn't care but it hurt my feelings. Feels like elementary school all over. Can't we all just be kind to eachother? Life's too short not to.
I cooked up some beef stroganoff for dinner tonight. Yum yum. I don't drink (we Mormons are funny that way) but I keep some Chardonay on hand for cooking. It's great in things like beef stroganoff and alfredo sauce. I'm pretty sure the alchohol cooks off.
We're supposed to get some snow tonight. It's been so warm it's strange. People started watering their lawns again.

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