Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I asked Evan what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said,"a chef, so I can cook for you." So cute. He really does love to cook and "helps" out all the time in the kitchen. Tonight we made cream of pumkin soup. Which reminds me, I was on the way out with the garbage when Evan saw his guy (the one pictured a few posts back, we'll call him "Freud") and says,"Mom, my guy, you can't throw him away!!". So we dug Freud out of the garbage and once again he is prominantly displayed on our fridge, for visitors to raise eyebrows at. I don't think he sees any humor in it as the rest of us do, it's just his honest self portrait. Funny.
The other day Jake got out again and my neighboor Nancy chewed me out pretty good. I've never seen Nancy made, until then. I probably deserved it. I'm not super careful with Jake. But the next day I took down our gate and repaired it, new pickets and all, which I should've done a long time ago. It felt good to swing a hammer and make a lot of noise. I really didn't know he was getting out so much. Apparently she had been putting him back in the back yard when he escaped but wasn't telling me about it untill finally she got really mad. But she came over the next day with a bed for Jake, a peace offering I guess. I have a hard time keeping track of dogs and children. The cops have brought Evan to me..twice I think.. can't remember now if it was more than once but seems it was. Luckily he's over his running away phase, I hope. Anyway, my life is crazy busy and sometimes I think I have situational ADD. It's hard to focus when I'm interupted every 5 minutes. Phone rings, doorbell rings, Jake scratches at the back door, Evan's hungry, I need to send invoices, do reconcilations, file an ammended state employement form which I can't even find and the dep. of revenue apparantly is on vacation because no one answers, school forms to fill out, library books overdue, pick up girls, house to clean, dinner to make... it's quite exausting. Then Taylor comes home from a rough day and says maybe he picked the wrong profession and what's for dinner and he's going to go blow off some steam and play volleyball.

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