Friday, August 27, 2010

We will be who we've always been

It's so easy to judge people and think everyone else's life is so much easier than my own. I went out last night with a friend (who I'm just starting to get to know). She lives in a million-dollar home and seems to have more money than I can imagine. I think it's easy to start thinking "oh, if only my life was as easy as so-and-so" but "so-and-so's" life may not always be what you think.
So she started telling me about her childhood, that her dad was an alcholic, abused her mother, left when she was 2. She wasn't saying it like she felt sorry for herself, she was just telling her story as someone might relate the places they lived when they were younger. Her mother married a few years later to a good man. One Saturday a few days after they were married, he told his wife and 4 girls he would take them all out for breakfast. He hopped in the shower, had a massive heart-attack and died. My friend was in 4th grade. Her mom worked temp jobs all her life, moving her 4 girls like a gyspy all over the country. She fell behind in school and grew a dislike for it because of always moving around. Her real dad, when he would take them for the weekends, told them he wished he never had them and didn't know what to do with them. And here she is, sitting accross the table from me, positive, happy, talking lovingly about her husband and 6 (!) kids. Life is good, she says. She just doesn't understand why her dad hasn't ever seen it that way, and doesn't appreciate the adults they've become.
Just goes to show we have personalities that were formed before we came here to earth and while parenting and upbrining affects us, we will be who we've always been.

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