Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I'm the proud new owner of a miter saw

Taylor got me a really nice purse for Christmas. I thought it was swell, really. But being the practical woman I am I returned it because I already have a purse and it works fine. So guess what I got instead? A miter saw. (it was actually less than the purse- it was a nice purse)
I've always wanted one. And now I have my very own. Think of what I can do with a miter saw. Build my own canvases..redo our floorboards (which I started in the kitchen today) many possibilities with a miter saw. When Taylor came home from work today, he took one look at the saw set up in the garage and said, "Let me guess, you traded your purse for the saw?" He didn't care, he thought it was funny. Then he came in the kitchen and saw my little project going on. I had my tools and stuff laying around on the floor. "Hey, isn't that the power drill I got you for your birthday? (I made a special request for that one) Well, I guess now I know where to shop for you." I bet not too many other women make their wish list at the Home Depot.

Emi made breakfast for Taylor and I this morning

Can you believe it? I think this is amazing. She got up at 4:30. Flowers and everything.  The flowers were from a wedding bouquet,  not real, but still.

I took my kids to museum yesterday

We did a science experiment at the "exhibition health" and got to look at our cheek cells under a microscope. Evan's been asking all kinds of questions from the exhibit like "Why does your heart have to beep?" and "what if mine stops?" and "Which food has ..casio..something something (calcium) in it?".

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas in St. George

Here's a few pictures from our trip. It was a lot of fun. I could be a Snowbird in St George. And paint the beautiful red rock landscape for a few months of the year. This was the backyard of the house we stayed in with Taylor's family. His parents, all his siblings and their families. It was great and the kids had so much fun with all their cousins. More pictures to follow.

Today. 12/27/2010

5:00 alarm goes off, stayed in bed for a few minutes
5:10 Taylor jumps in the shower, I go downstairs to iron his clothes and make his lunch
5:55 We say our morning prayer, kiss and off to work he goes
6:00 I get my mat out and do some yoga in my pj's. I last about 10 minutes because I'm sore today. Then I just sit and meditate
6:15 Work on primary stuff, read my scriptures
7:00 Jump in the shower
7:10 Taylor calls as I'm getting out. Guess what? Karen's didn't show up today. Again. So he asks can I please answer the phones today? I know this routine and it's been happening a lot lately. I don't mind usually except the kids are still home from school so that means a day in front of the TV for them.
7:15 Get dressed, forward phones, set up the computer
8:00 taking calls, door closed, kids getting up
8:15 I peek my head out. Evan wants to know if I can get him some cereal. Sure,I say, just a minute. phone rings. I close the door and go back to work
8:45 I go downstairs...and remember Evan was hungry. He's at the kitchen table with his cereal poured about to pour his milk. "Oh sorry hon, I was going to do that." "That's OK Mom. I'm 5 now and I can pour it all by myself. Look I even got out my own bowl and I climbed into the pantry to get the cereal." This makes me sad. Oliva made ramen noodles. Gross, but that's what she wanted and she got it herself. They're starting a movie.
9:00 still on the phone upstairs..remembering my 9:00 primary meeting at church that I set up.
9:10 finally get off the phone, run downstairs, tell the kids, "I love you, be good, I have to run to church for a few mintues" Luckily it's only 5 minutes away.
9:15 get to the primary room, everyone's already there of course. Sorry I'm late, etc. I explain. My phone goes off. Might as well silence it because I can't answer it here. We get on with organizing the binders for the new year and discuss things we have coming up, who's doing what, etc. Meeting goes pretty well and we get what we needed to accomplished but as usual, longer than expected.
10:45 I finally leave. Listen to vm on the way home. Kids are still watching TV when I get home. Ice cream bowls on the coffee table in front of them. Half a carton of melting ice cream on the table. "I have to make some calls" I run upstairs after cleaning up the ice cream and various dishes.
11:30 After finishing returning calls and answering new ones, come back down. "Let's turn the TV off guys" So I do. The kids dispurse. Olivia helps me take down the Christmas tree and vacuum. We work some more on emptying the car from our trip yesterday. I start some more laundry. I make some pbj's for the kids. Then I remember I haven't eaten a thing yet today, so I grab some crackers and cottage cheese.
12:00 Phone rings. Back to work. In between calls I ask the kids to please unpack their suitcases. They work on this. Olivia makes a second bowl of ramen noodles.
12:45 I come downstairs and work some more on unpacking/laundry/etc. Kids are watching another movie and I don't do anything about it. "I'm going to run to the store" I say. Phone rings, so I run upstairs instead.
2:30 "Now I'm really going to the store. Anyone want to come?" No one does. So I tell Emi she's in charge again and I run to the store.
3:15 Make turkey noodle soup with homemade noodles. Oliva helps me make the noodles.
4:00 Taylor comes home. We compare notes on the day. I set the table, and we eat. Turkey noodle soup and broccoli with melted cheese. "I'm not a fan of chicken noodle soup" Emi says. "It's turkey, not chicken" I say. "Whatever, I'm still not eating it." "Fine, but this is dinner" She makes toast and has some broccoli. Olivia doesn't touch her soup, which is understandable since she had 2 bowls of ramen noodles so I don't even argue with her on that one. "This soup is delicious hon. Good job." Taylor is being extra nice, partly because he can tell I'm a little frazzled and partly to make up for comments about a previous night's dinner. Hey I'll take nice from anyone for whatever reason.
5:00 Taylor takes the girls to Borders. Evan and I sit on the couch and read and talk. I tell him he's growing up too fast. He says he's still going to come into my bed every night "because you're warm and cuddly".
5:30 Taylor and the girls get back and we have family night. As most family nights, it involves some threatening and bribery to get the children to behave themselves for a 10 minute lesson. But I think they understood a few things.
7:00 I brush Evan's teeth and put him to bed. I lay down in his bed and read him stories and promptly fall asleep. Taylor asks if I'm staying there. "No..just closing my eyes for a minute..."
9:00 I wake up to the girls being really loud. I tell them it's time for bed and go around turning off lights, doing dishes, etc. And get on the computer to type this.
Today was not a great day because the kids are off school and I had to answer phones all day. That stunk. But I try to remind myself of all the fun they just had with their cousins in St. George and I did the best I could today and what I had to do to help Taylor out. Motherhood is hard. Being married to a dentist who starts up his own practice and having to wear any number of hats for the office is hard. Being primary president is hard. And I can let any and all of the hard things in my life let me feel totally overwhelmed. But I think that's how the Lord wants it. He wants us to be stretched and at times overwhelmed because then we have to turn to Him and humbly ask His help for what we cannot do on our own. And I have- many, many times. And he has come through for me many, many times.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

mean girls

So I got to powerpump plenty early this morning. Everything was going to be great. Then I started the class and these two women (30-ish) start talking it was pretty obvious they were making fun of the class, making faces, and being catty. Then about halfway through I say, "Okay, everyone grab your barbells, we're going to work our arms again." and one of the cats pipes up, "uh, what part of our arms?" "Biceps" I say with a smile and start in on the routine. Then the two of them get up and put away their equipment and walk out of class. Can you believe it? They do it to other instructors too, so it's not just me. Granted, I should have said "bicep curls" instead of "arms" but sometimes I slip, big deal. I know I shouldn't care but it hurt my feelings. Feels like elementary school all over. Can't we all just be kind to eachother? Life's too short not to.
I cooked up some beef stroganoff for dinner tonight. Yum yum. I don't drink (we Mormons are funny that way) but I keep some Chardonay on hand for cooking. It's great in things like beef stroganoff and alfredo sauce. I'm pretty sure the alchohol cooks off.
We're supposed to get some snow tonight. It's been so warm it's strange. People started watering their lawns again.


We're finishing up Olivia's volcano this morning ;)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

sore muscles

I was sore before tonight's class. Really sore. And then- get this. I thought the class I was subbing started at 5:45. I get there 10 minutes early and there's like 30 people in the gym. So I thought either people like to be really early for this class or... oh crap. "what time does this class start?" I ask a participant

"uh, 5:30"

"great, let's get started, it's 5:35. Jog in place everyone!!"

And that was the start of class. Someone was so kind as to set weights out for me. Like wayyy to heavy weights for me (the main instructor is much stronger than me, that's who they were meant for) But I had no choice or time to change them. So I jumped in to an hour of pure suicide. At least some people came up to me after and said it was a great class. I really hurt. Now I have to go back and do it again tomorrow morning. I'm going to be there 20 minutes early just in case.

This is what I just finished for Taylor's office. We're printing it on stickers and putting the stickers on little mint tins he's handing out to his patients. The "W" logo we've had forever but it still took quite a bit of manovering to get it to fit just right on the sticker sheets. I can't decide what now to put in the tins because they're almost too big for mints...potpouri?
I ordered them over the internet and they're just a little bigger than I was thinking.
Today was so warm I took Evan and his friend Braxton to the park. We all wore short sleeves.

Vacation pics and Christmas lights up

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I'm finally posting this slideshow of our vacation pictures. Good memories.

I have a rickety old ladder. It is probably as old as me. But it still basically works and I use it from time to time. Like for putting up Christmas lights. I keep it pretty simple, over the entry way and the garage. For whatever reason Taylor is not motivated to put up Christmas lights outside, so if I want it done I do it myself. The rickety ladder has it's good points and so does Taylor, and I remind myself to be grateful for what I have.

I signed up for an accounting class at Front Range Communtiy College in Jan. I've been thinking about taking an accounting class and then I decided to just do it. I'm a QuickBooks ProAdvisor and know my way around QuickBooks but I think there's some building blocks of accounting that I never really understood, so I think it'll be a good class for me.

I went to a killer power pump class yesterday at the Y. I'm teaching it next Monday for Katie, who is 6 weeks pregnant and I could barely keep up with her. Rephrase.. I couldn't keep up with her. So hopefully I do better next Monday when I'm up in front of the class teaching. I also have to sub a toning class tonight and I'm sore from yesterday. I know, poor me. Actually it feels good to be sore, like I did something. I'd much rather feel sore than lethargic/lazy.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Disney vacation

Disney World and the Disney cruise were truly amazing. If you want to study a stellar business model, or learn about outstanding customer service, or just have a really awesome vacation, do Disney! My favorite part of the cruise was that everyone was always soo happy and willing to bend over backwards for you. It was great. And the shows every night were amazing. Broadway caliber all the way. The food was wonderful too. I even had some escargo. Okay, I'll admit, that wasn't my favorite. But I tried it. Our waiter, Alex, was so attentive to every detail and was sure that we were well fed every night. I loved snorkeling on Castaway Cay. I could live on that island. 65 Disney employees do. It's immaculately clean and sooo georgeous.
Evan's sick with a cold. I took him to the doctor, not because of the cold but because of what I thought was a lump on the back of his head. Turns out his skull, like most everyone's, is asymetrical. It is rare that any of us ever go to the doctor, but whenever we do, it turns out to be nothing. I should count my blessings I think. Taylor's cousin Brady, who is my age-32, is in the hospital right now. His brother Josh passed away two years ago of strep throat, age 19. His WBC count was extremely low and he had sores in his mouth, then got strep and died. Brady has extremely low WBC count and sores in his mouth. He's married with two kids and one on the way. His wife is so sick with her pregnancy she can barely get out of bed. I'm praying that he'll be OK.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We made it. This is the Florida airport.

Disney world here we come!  After we get a good night's rest.

Onflight entertainment

Whew. We made it. On the shuttle bus at least.

Monday, November 29, 2010


I fed my kids spinach for dinner. I'm on a health kick. They ate it.  Taylor came home late. I made him a huge salad.  He didn't even complain. Much. Last time I was on a green kick and made salads for dinner I thought he was being a great sport.  Until I went out to his car to get something and found fast-food wrappers. Turns out he was stopping by jack-in-the box for a burger on the way home.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


In front of vectra bank on Pearl street

At the boulder river path


We got up, had breakfast and went to Boulder. We walked about 4 miles in all. We walked on the river path, walked on CU campus, walked on Pearl Street and had lunch at an asian bistro place that was alright. That's my Colorado Income tax penalty I'm about to mail in the picture there (had to pay a penalty but I'm disputing it because my accountant was pretty sure he was right..that's another story, but not much $) Then we came home and I made quiche, rolls, and good kid cookies (cake mix+1egg+1/4 c butter+2 Tbs water). I glued together the frame for a canvas. Then I took Evan to the YMCA. We changed into our suits and Evan poked my dimpled thigh and asked, "Mom, are you getting old there?" "Yup, I'm gettin old there" Or maybe just fat there. But that's OK. I'm OK with me and my dimpled thighs.

We came home from the Y and watched "Cheaper By the Dozen II" then we put up our Christmas decorations. There are mice- or maybe a family of them- living in our crawl space. Gross, I know. I mostly only store Christmas decorations there so needless to say they've had a free rein for a while. We've been setting traps for a few weeks now and have caught 3. Taylor and the kids just released #3 at the dog park across the street. Sweet. We have one humane trap and the other 2 we caught- we'll they're in mousie heaven as I tell the kids. I will conquer the mice.

Friday, November 26, 2010