Monday, April 29, 2013

I haven't posted in forever.  The reason is I can't seem to upload pics from my phone anymore, so I just stopped posting.  But I realized this is a great way to keep an online journal so I should just figure it out.

My last post was right after we moved into our new house.  We're still loving the house, though it doesn't feel so new anymore.  We've been here about 8 months now.  The neighborhood is nice and we've met most of the neighbors.

Some highlights of the past 8 months are:

Evan- pretty much doing the same things, catching bugs, being silly, not always enthusiatic about school.  He did win an award in the science fair, best in class, last week.  He did a demonstration on ants.  He turned 7 in December, he's halfway through first grade.

Olivia- still doing dance and enjoying that.  Her big Spring show is first week of June.  Her good friend Lucy Rojas is coming to visit that week and we are excited for that.  She has also taken up running and ran a 5k on Sat., her first, and place 3rd for her age group.  Not bad.  She enjoys lots of school activities like choir, pied pipers (recorder group), yearbook committee and student council.  She turns 11 in August.

Emi- is in the Spring season of volleyball at the rec center.  Her 5th season with the rec center I believe.  The are once again undefeated this season, makes 3 seasons in a row not to loose a single game.  She's doing good in school as always and continues to be an overachiever.  She turned 13 in March, our first teenager.  Sometimes I wonder who moved in with us. If I remember I might've been a somewhat prickly teen also.  I try to remember that when she is.

Taylor- is still playing lots of volleyball only more so lately.  He's been closely following the BYU volleyball games, imagining what if he tried out for the team back in the day and what if he made it and what if he was an awesome BYU volleyball player.  He's working out on this new program he got that's supposed to make him jump higher.  To his credit, he is a very good volleyball player, one of the best in Longmont and he's played with most of the players here in town.  I'm not sure where his surge of volleyball adrenaline has come from, but it's keeping him motivated and in shape, so hey, what's the harm?  He enjoys work most of the time and always feels lucky he gets to work 4 days a week and have time to be with the family.  We do too.

Me- I've been painting a little.  My latest is a river scene in the mountains that Taylor has already claimed for his office.  I still have several blank walls to fill at home.  I'm still working as a bookkeeper.  I enjoy it for the most part.  It gives me something to do during the day when the house is quiet and no one is home.  Plus I think it feels a need to feel needed and be accomplishing something.  Now that all the kids are gone during the day I think I would feel a little lost if I didn't have someone to take care of, so during school hours, it's my clients.   Taylor and I are hoping to continue our family, but no baby yet.  So in the meantime I manage to fill my time productively.  I also teach the 15-17 yr-olds at church which I enjoy.  I hope they enjoy it too.  I'm not a great teacher but I think I have improved with all the teaching opportunities our church affords.

Future posts will hopefully be shorter and more frequent (and with pictures)