Friday, September 30, 2011


 Evan's teacher came up to me after school today and put her arm around me.  She said "That Evan sure has been a good boy this week. In fact, he's been so good and so quiet that I took him to the nurse's office today, just to make sure he was feeling OK.  The nurse said he was just fine.  So maybe he's just all settled in now and this is his true personality." 
Let's hope.  But I know he's been trying hard to be good.  It was just so funny to me that his teacher took him to the nurse because she thought he was being so good that something must be wrong with him.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Shannon Workman" <>
Date: Sep 17, 2011 1:29 PM
Subject: Bikeride
To: "Shannie Workman" <>

I got up this morning and decided to go for a ride. I made it all the way to Boulder and back only stopping once to clock time. 40 miles round trip. 2 hours. Not bad for a girl. 
Then we went to the rec center for Emily's volleyball game. Olivia Emma and Evan wanted to climb so l took them to the wall, which is next to the courts. Evan's geting pretty good.

Monday, September 12, 2011

A night on main

We went to Winchells for a donut (not me I don't eat them) then walked down main. Its beautiful weather!