Friday, May 27, 2011

The Ritz Carlton at Beaver Creek

Taylor and I are here for our 13th anniversary.  And today we closed on the practice that we're buying. And Sunday is my birthday. 33. Life is good. Busy. But good.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Today in pictures

Today was the first day of summer. We:
1) went to Elitches
2) detailed our mini-van
3) ate Dominos pizza
4) kids went to a movie
5) while I went to a salon next door and had a mani/pedi and watched dr. Phil (it's what was on)
Good day

Monday, May 23, 2011

At the home depot tonight

We're building a room in the basement.  We started a few months ago. We've made lots of trips to home depot.

Evan at school

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Olivia's artwork

This is hanging up at school. She called it "winter action".

Emi's play

Emi's performing Macbeth tonight. She's McDuff.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cooling off in lake McIntosh


18There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
-1John 4:18

34And now I know that this love‍ which thou hast had for the children of men is charity; wherefore, except men shall have charity they cannot inherit that place which thou hast prepared in the mansions of thy Father. (Ether 12:34)

I think one telling test of our own level of charity can be done this way. When we come across a person who is in lesser circumstances than ourselves, what is our initial reaction? Do we feel a sense of pride, that the Lord must love us more or that through our own cleverness we have gotten to a better position in life than the other person? Or do we feel a compassion for them, wondering what we could do to improve their circumstances and make them more like our own? I'm not saying we can do something every time but at least if the thought is there, then certain actions will follow. I think that is charity, feeling a compassion for everyone and wanting to help everyone we see, even if we can't, rather than feeling proud that we have it better. The same principle applies in the other direction. When we come across a person in better circumstances than ourselves, does our pride try to find fault with them and justify why they have more wealth, talent, looks or whatever than ourselves? Or can we simply love them for who they are and rejoice with them as a parent would rejoice for their child's good achievements? I think when we get to that point of loving unconditionally, regardless of circumstance, then we have found charity. We can as John says have love without fear, even the perfect love that casteth out all fear.

I am reminded too of words by CS Lewis. On the question of how much to give, he said, "I'm afraid the only safe rule is more than we can spare. There should be things we should like to buy, vacations we would like to take, but cannot, because our charitable contributions preclude them."

Sunday, May 8, 2011

One child for sale

Okay, I probably shouldn't sell my children on Mother's Day.  I should probably talk about the joys of motherhood.  But. Evan was a bad boy this week.  More than usual.  This week's short list includes:
1) stepping on Jake while he was sleeping
2) locking himself in the trunk of the camry (I found him 15 minutes later, thank goodness)
3) making small holes in the front room wall with some sharp object he found
4) hanging from the garage door while it was going up (he didn't learn his lesson the first time I guess, although this time he didn't fall off)
5) climbing on top of our minivan- his favorite perch when mom's not looking
6) throwing rocks in our water storage barrel
7) peeing on his friend Viggo
8) burping really loud during sacrament today
...and these are just the highlights..or lowlights.  Any takers? 

Emi's ice bowl

Emi froze a water balloon and drained the water inside before it froze. The things they think of.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I have a quiet house to myself. So I did this. It's very small. 5x7 inches.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Olivia's Ballet class- parents night

We got to stay and watch on the last class. What a cutie!