Monday, July 26, 2010


Thursday, July 22, 2010

We like to pet bees

Hi all,
We went to the Denver Botanical Gardens today. We really enjoyed it.  But Evan's favorite part was petting the bees. Here's how it went:
Me: Evan, what are you doing?
Evan: Just petting the bees.
Me: They might sting you.
Evan: Bees only sting you if you bother them.  I'm not bothering them.  I'm just petting them.
And he was actually petting them.  Evan: See? They like it.
Me: speechless
Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of that.  He was right though, they didn't seem to mind Evan petting them.
Hope you all are doing well.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fun at Elitches

Everyone had a good time. Except Evan didn't like the ghost blaster ride.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My fireman

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Things I am grateful for:

My husband who is hard-working and good to me and our children, the Gospel which brings me peace and joy, my children who are usually healthy and mostly good, good food (I always appreciate food more after fast Sunday- today), air-conditioning (which stopped working on Friday afternoon and someone is coming Tuesday to fix but this is making me appreciate it so much more), the free country in which we live, democracy, capitalism (I'll take an uneven division of wealth over an even division of misery any day), music, good friends who make me smile and make life more enjoyable, good parents who raised me well and taught me right principles that I've carried throughout my life, beautiful Colorado mountains that inspire me, people in my church that are dependable and good and always looking for ways to help, people in my community that volunteer, strangers who smile at me, neighbors who are always kind and bring us treats, siblings who call to see how I'm doing, my children's teachers who are dedicated, a garden, a healthy body, and most of all, our Saviour's atonement.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Trail ridge road

The pass opened today.  It was really windy but worth it. All the wildflowers were out.  Taylor stopped the car every 20 feet to take pictures.  It was a long drive.


My new method is this: throw the clothes into 5 piles and tell everyone to come fold and put away their pile. It worked today. I really don't like folding clothes.
Got a letter from the IRS.  While this is usually a cause for concern (I've miscalculated once before) this time the IRS owes me $760. I just have to figure out why my calculations are off.  Certainly don't want to loan money to the IRS. 

Thursday, July 1, 2010